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What is D-Tour ?

D Tour’ is a Day Tour to sensitize general public about Disability. We take members to some dedicated organizations, places initiated by parents, social entrepreneurs where their story discloses the journey from dependence to independence.

‘D Tour’ will help to decode how people with special needs have abilities & disabilities just like others and to debunk many myths surrounding Divyangjan (Person with Disability).

‘D Tour’ Objectives:

  • To spread awareness & sensitize tour members to dimensions of disability.
  • To discover how people with special needs have a life just like us.
  • To debunk many myths and deepen your understanding of the differently abled / Divyangjan.

D tour was announced on National Tourism Day on January 25th in 2017. We are very proud that we are the initiators of ‘D Tour’ which is a part of ‘Social Tourism’.